Homemade Applesauce

Again another apple recipe that I was hesitant to make all these years, but I gave in to my son this time around. I never attempted it because I did not want to loose the nutrition by cooking apples. I decided to take a balanced approach, which might seem obvious from some of my recent posts. I am trying to find the right balance between the strict mom who looks at everything from the nutritional point of view and a loving mom who wants satisfy her son's cravings with homemade goodies :-).
I have made hot apple cider and apple sauce a few times this apple season. I buy apples from our local farm's apple pie blend, which is a mix of a few different kinds of apples. Mixing up a few different varieties gives the apple sauce a nice mix of sweetness, tartness and other flavors. I did not add any sugar (of course not, as I cannot stray too far from my quicknhealthy principles ;-)). I also did not add any flavor enhancers since we all like food plain and simple, and no preservatives, as we are just making it to consume it this season and not planning to preserve it for later.

  • Apples - 8 (I used 4 different kinds Empire, Gala, Ginger gold and Mutsu)
  • Any additions or flavor enhancers - lemon juice, cinnamon, orange zest (I just keep it plain) 
  • Wash the apples well, remove core and cut each into about 16 pieces. (I leave the skin on for the nice color for my apple sauce and of course for any extra flavor and nutrition that it is going to retain)
  • Add them to a soup pot or any heavy bottom pan. Start cooking covered on very low temperature. 
  • Once the apples start heating up and starts sweating releasing some of its own liquid for cooking, you can bring up temperature to medium. Continue cooking on medium heat. (Add any flavor enhancers at this point).
  • Keep checking and stirring if needed. In about 30-45 minutes, apples should be cooked just enough. 
  • Remove from flame and let it cool completely.
  • Puree using a blender and food processor. 
  • Serve immediately or store refrigerated in glass jars. 
  • This makes about 4 cups of apple sauce. Enjoy!!
